Thursday, September 15, 2011

Fall Wreath Tutorial

I love the fall, don't you? The cooler weather, the smells of pumpkin spice and of course, the colors! Today I made a wreath because I love the colors of fall so much. So let's dive into my first ever tutorial!

1 - 18 inch grapevine wreath
About 4 bunches of flowers, berries or whatever you desire on your wreath
Some scrapbook paper
Stamps and ink pad (if you choose to create the banner this way)
Twine, ribbon or something to string the banner
Wire cutters
Hot glue gun

I have two of everything because Michael's was having an awesome sale (2 for $5 wreaths and 40% off fall florals!) that I couldn't pass up

Ok, got everything you need? Good. First thing you want to do is to lay down some sort of covering on whatever surface you're working on. Grapevine wreath are kinda messy, and it's just easier clean up.

Next, you need to turn those bunches into singles. If your bunch has a plastic handle (see below) just snip the individual stems at the base, as close to the handle as possible.

If your bunches are held together by florist tape (like below), use your scissors to carefully score the stems and separate the flowers.

When all your bunches are separated you should have a nice size pile of fall pretties. Here is where the fun part starts. :) Start arranging your flowers in a design that you like, bend the stems to get the flowers to lay flat while you are working on your design.

This is the design that I came up with.

Ok, now you need to flip your wreath over to the back side very carefully. Find all the stems from the flowers and twist them into the wreath so that the flower doesn't fall out and it blends in to the wreath. You may have to flip your wreath over a few times and test all the flowers to see which ones you've missed.

On to the banner, you can do this one of 3 ways:
1. You print your letters onto scrapbook paper
2. You hand write your letters onto the paper
3. You stamp your letters onto the paper
I did it the first way, but it's probably much easier the other ways. Anyways, if printing select your font and size, then print onto a sheet of 8.5"x11" scrapbook paper in a coordinating color - the simpler the paper the better. Mine is mossy green with raised polka dots.

Next, cut out the letters into 1" wide by 3" long rectangles leaving more room at the top. Snip little triangles into the bottom of each letter. They don't have to be perfect, the imperfections give the wreath more character.

Next, measure 1/2 of an inch from the top of each letter and use your ruler to get a crisp fold.

I didn't take a photo of this part (so sorry!) but it's pretty self explanatory. Take your ribbon/twine/string and put inside the fold of the letter. Use hot glue to close it shut. You can have your letters close or far apart, it's really up to you.

Next, find where you want to tie the ends of the banner and make a simple knot. Hot glue that knot and then wrap the string around and knot again, hot glue that second knot. Do the same for the other side. Measure the ends of your string to the bottom of your end letters and cut.

And voila, it's done! Now go hang it on a door or in your house.

Isn't it so pretty and welcoming? :) I love walking up to my front door now!

Remember I said I bought two of everything? I made a second wreath, slightly different than the first. The possibilities are endless!

Hope you enjoyed my first tutorial. Now go out and make one yourself. Happy Fall! :)

Linking up here:
Craftaholics Anonymous
Chic on a Shoestring Decorating


  1. Your wreath turned out beautiful - who would ever know you did it on a budget. Love your leaded glass front door.

  2. Turned out awesome! I am loving doing some my fall creating, might just have to try this one! Stop on over for a visit!


  3. It looks fantastic and great job on the tutorial too! It looks really cute with the bunting. :)

    evie @ brown paper packages

  4. This is lovely, I love the banner across it!

  5. I agree with Sara - lovely and especially like the added touch of the welcome banner.

  6. found ya on a linky party. I love fall and im obsessed with making wreaths. Love your colors and the banner!

  7. Super cute wreath I love the banner idea across it! Visiting from C A link party. Fall is my favorite time of year.

  8. i'm featuring your lovely wreath tomorrow on Craftaholics Anonymous! yay! thanks for joining the party!
    happy crafting,

  9. Thanks for all the sweet comments. Linda, I'm so excited to be featured! I'm such a fan, this is an honor!
