
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Scrappy Postage Stamp

If you look over to the right you will notice that I added a bucket list of all the quilts I want to make someday. I add to it whenever I see something I like. Well, one of the quilts is a postage stamp and last week I started on it. I'm going to be using my 1.5" scraps to make it.
I love scrappy quilts. They just make my heart sing. One of the best things about a scrappy quilt is seeing all the fabrics you've used in past projects. I've found scraps in my scrap box from almost every quilt and gift I've ever made. Makes me smile. :)
I've been cutting a little here and there for about a week now. In addition to the squares already in my scrap box, I now have a pretty little pile. Not all are quilt shop quality, but I don't love them any less. See that dark blue square above? It's part of the Navy uniform I cut up for my very first quilt. It's my favorite.
I organized my scraps about 2-ish years ago using tips from Lori of Bee in my Bonnet and Bonnie of Quiltville. On the shelf above my sewing desk I have my scrap bins. Not all of them are full, I haven't seriously cut into my fabric stash since, but I do try to trim up any scrap that comes from a current work in progress.
I even got a few four patches done! Not too many but it's a start. :) I'm storing my cut squares in this little aqua bucket that I found in the Target dollar section. And my four patches are in a (thoroughly) cleaned out Bag Balm tin.
I'm even thinking of joining a postage stamp swap, to help build up my collection. Click the button below to get more information if you want to join too.
This postage stamp quilt will be my "bonus quilt" as Lori calls it, made using her leaders and enders method. I have no idea how big it will end up but for now I'm planning on just making 12 or 16 patch blocks and then going from there. It may take a while but I'm determined to have a good size quilt of all my tiny scraps to snuggle under.
All tucked away next to the photo of the sailor I fell in love with

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the idea. I will try to do the same. Sew at few after each farmers wife blocks. :o)
