
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

WIP: Fair Isle Reindeers

I'm so close! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

I finished my reindeer row last week. Woo! :)

When I first cut my fabric (almost a year ago) I did it according to the pattern and then I had a little *facepalm* moment. With all the math I did just to figure out yardage for two colors, I should have included cutting for non-pixelated reindeer. Oh well, I pushed it out of my mind until after I finished the zig zag rows. Then I sat and stared at all the little 1.5" cut pieces and I made the choice to re-cut the blocks using larger pieces. Let's just say I'm very happy I had extra fabric! I barely made it but I was able to squeeze out what I needed with very careful cutting. And you know what? I'm so happy I did it.

When it came time to piece it all together, I did it a little at a time over the course of several days. First the snowflakes, then the heads, then the bodies, then putting the blocks together and finally putting it into the row. It came together very quickly with those larger pieces.

I'm in the middle of sewing all the sashing onto the rows and then it will be done!! :) I can't wait to share it with you.

Linked up!

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