
Monday, January 26, 2015

WIP: Fair Isle Poinsettias

I got my poinsettias done! I had to re-cut the middle strip for one of the blocks since it was 1/4" off but other than that we're good. My piecing is getting better and I'm feeling pretty good about the math I did for this quilt in two colors. I already sewed them into their rows. Next step: fir trees!

Linked up!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Feed Company Block of the Month

I'm having lots of fun stitching up Sweetwater's newest block of the month featuring their new collection Feed Company.
When I saw it on their blog last year I knew I had to get it. It's my Christmas present from my husband (that I purchased while he was at work hehe) and I'm looking forward to seeing it completed.

So far I got three of the blocks done and I'm working on the fourth. I'm on the fence with doing more embroidery, I've only done the borders so far. I'm toying with the idea of embroidering the letters, but I haven't decided yet. I figure I'll live with it for a bit and see if I want to add any more later. I'm already looking forward to next month's blocks. :)

If you missed out on this BOM keep an eye on their blog, they are having another BOM featuring their Christmas collection Holly's Tree Farm. I can't wait! I'm getting that one too. :)

Friday, January 2, 2015

Looking back and moving forward

My original 2014 quilt goals were simple, I wanted to finish 3 quilts that have been lingering (either in my UFO pile or in my head).

1. My mom's quilt
2. My sister's quilt
3. My second son's quilt

Well, I succeeded in getting two of those checked off. Two out of three ain't bad in my book. :)

My pinwheel sampler quilt was the first quilt done off that list. I set a deadline and got it done by summer. This quilt was done in memory of my second son, Joseph, whom we lost to miscarriage.

My sister's quilt was her Christmas present this year. Super easy pattern, I just let it sit unfinished far too long. But she loves it so I'm happy. :)

And my mom's quilt? Well, it's half way through cutting. :) I cut all of the colors, and got through part of the white. She wants pictures on her quilt so I'm waiting on her to pick out her favorites.

I have a few quilts that are still unfinished (like the Great Granny Along and Fair Isle) but I'm hoping to get those done this year. I also purchased Sweetwater's newest block of the month featuring their upcoming collection Feed Company. I hope to at least have the top put together by the end of the year.

My quilt goals for 2015 are:
1. My mom's quilt
2. Winter Wonderland block of the week (a birthday present)
3. Fair Isle
4. Great Granny
5. Feed Company block of the month
6. Thanksgiving tablecloth embroidery (not really a quilt but still a goal)