
Friday, October 31, 2014

My first quilt patch. Bonus: Happy Nevada Day!

I had to patch a quilt yesterday. Can you see it?
A little about now?
Did you spot it already?
Of course, being the one who fixed it I can spot it every time. But my hope is that with the busyness of the print it's not noticeable to anyone else unless it's pointed out or they get a closer look.

The hole is actually pretty small  so I originally thought I could just darn it with matching thread. Well both my machine and hand attempts failed, so I settled on a patch. The first patch was too big and went over the seam, making it very noticeable. So I unpicked my stitches for the umpteenth time and started again. After fiddling with getting it the right size and with the right angles, I was able to sew it on with tiny stitches. I went around it twice to make sure it would stay.

Funny thing is that the patch ended up in the shape of Nevada, my home state, and today is Nevada Day (happy 150th!). This is also the memory quilt for my second son, who was miscarried in Nevada. Coincidence? There's no such thing. God orchestrates it all and that little hole with that patch was meant to be there from the beginning. Now, regardless of where I live in the world I will always have a little piece of Nevada with me, to remind me of my home and my son.

Happy Nevada Day to my fellow Nevadans!

P.S. It's pronounced "Ne-vadd-a" not "Ne-vah-da." We natives are quite sensitive over that. :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Fair Isle Quilt Along: Cutting

I finally finished cutting for my Fair Isle quilt! I broke it up over 3 days so it wouldn't be so bad. Now that the cutting is finished I'm looking forward to piecing.

When I first saw this pattern I fell in love but I thought it would look even better in just two colors. My little vision was reinforced when I saw this fabric:

source: Winter Essentials II by Studio E Fabrics

But that meant sitting down and doing some math, which is not my strong point. I was a little worried but I decided to give it a shot. Well, I'm happy to say my math worked out!

I'm excited to see it come together. Stay tuned! :)

My fabrics:
Quilter's Linen in Silver by Robert Kaufman
Raphael Snow in Pearl by STOF Fabrics

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Works in Progress

 The charity quilt for my sister is almost done. The silent auction fell through so this is now a Christmas present. Just need to put it all together.

 I started this in 2012. Every year at Thanksgiving everyone writes what they are thankful for and then I embroider over their words. I've been behind since the start but I'm hoping to get it finished (or at least very close to it) by this Thanksgiving. This is a forever project as I hope to continue it every year.

I'm making another Snow Blossoms quilt, this time for my mom. It's been promised ages ago but I'm just now starting it. I don't think it will be ready in time for Christmas (this one will have photos too) but hopefully soon after. I don't think she will mind. :)

I bought this pattern the day it was released and I can't wait to get started. I already have my background fabric, Robert Kaufman's Quilter's Linen in Silver (buy it now while it's still on sale!). Just looking for a good price on the other fabric and then I can start cutting. I want to have this one done by at least spring. ;)

My little sewing corner is a complete disaster and it's not evidence of me sewing either. ;) But I definitely will have to give it a good tidy up before I start sewing again.