
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Feed Company BOM: Final Four

I finished up the final four blocks over the weekend. Lots of down time :)

[click any photo to enlarge]

I asked if I could put my wedding year instead of our town, and they said yes! I'm so thrilled with the result. I just ordered the coordinating quilt label, you can find it here. I hope to have the quilt top finished by summer. I can't wait to see it all together.

Friday, May 8, 2015

WIP: Fair Isle and Mom's quilt

A few works in progress shots of the two quilts I'm working on at the moment.

Fair Isle fir trees

Mom's Snowblossoms

I have my moments where there's absolutely no motivation (actually, there's been a lot of that lately...) but I really want to get both of these quilt tops done by summer. So here's hoping motivation will come back to me, and soon! :)

Friday, May 1, 2015

Feed Company BOM progress

I thought I'd post my progress on my Feed Company block of the month quilt. If you're doing the BOM too you'll notice I haven't done as much embroidery as the original examples and a few of the blocks I changed up the colors and stitches. I decided to only do the outlines and a few of the design elements, to save on time. I'm liking the minimalist look on these blocks. I haven't gotten to the two April blocks yet and the final two blocks will be arriving in a few weeks. I hope to start cutting into my fabric soon as I am trying to get as many quilts as possible done (at least the quilt top finished) before the fall.

[Click on any picture to get a close up]